• Funding For 2024 Now Closed

    Thanks to all that applied! We hope to fund the program again in 2025, so check back soon.



    Small Business Owners



    Commercial property owners



    Tenants of commercial buildings


    Business Districts


    Coalitions of businesses


  • A Sustainable Business Vision

    Below is an graphic that highlights the various aspects of a business that might be more sustainable.

    broken image
  • What Types of Projects are Eligible?

    *Note: This is just an example list, project ideas beyond this list are encouraged.*


    Capital Projects such as:
    • Heat Pumps
    • EV Charging Infrastucture
    • Solar PV
    • Waste Collection Enclosures
    • Balers/Compactors
    • Green Infrastructure
    • Green Roofs
    • Insulation
    • Windows

    Equipment such as: 

    • Containers
    • Reusable containers
    • Lighting/Fixtures
    • Appliances (dishwasher, refrigerator, induction stove)
    Services such as:
    • Composting Services
    • Recycling Services
    • Energy/Water Benchmarking Services
    • Consulting
    Education Materials such as:
    • Signage
    • Labels